Samsung Phone Repairs in Winston-Salem

Schedule your appointment for Samsung Phone repair.

Samsung Galaxy S

Samsung Galaxy Note

Samsung Galaxy A and J

Battery Replacement Camera Replacement Charging Port Repair Diagnostic Ear Piece Replacement Home Button Replacement Screen Repair Speaker Replacement Water Damage Repair & Much More!

Thank goodness for cell phones! These handheld devices never cease to entertain us or enhance our productivity when it comes to work and play.

Whether you are an iPhone fan or an Android enthusiast, technology abounds to satisfy everyone. We use our cell phones to make calls, but these small wonders also allow us to listen to podcasts, play music, read e-books, watch videos, play games and a whole lot more.

If you own a cellphone like 95% of us, you know your cell phone packs a punch and you probably use it so much it almost seems like it is glued to your hand.

Unfortunately, healthy cell phones do get sick, life happens, and the fact that we use our cell phones so much means that a lot of daily wear and tear can wreak havoc on our devices. Or maybe you have dropped your phone and damaged the screen after carrying it around so much.

Cell Phone Repair for Shattered Screens

We commonly see the need for cell phone screen repair in our repair store, whether the issue is a broken iPhone screen or a cracked Android screen. We understand it just takes one slip or one slippery surface to cause your cell phone display to break.

Don’t deal with the annoyance of a broken screen while you wait for the next “upgrade” – if you knew how affordable and quick it can be to get your screen looking new again you’d be shocked!

If you need cell phone screen repair, come to us for fantastic customer service and affordable prices.

We’ll also replace your screen in a snap and recommend ways to prevent further damage to your cell phone.

Where Can I Find the Best Cell Phone Repair Near Me?”

The way we see it, you’ve got two choices – you can visit a big box retail shop or you can go local. Call us biased, but we think you should head to a third party repair shop for your cell phone repair needs if you’re a fan of value, convenience and quick turnaround.

We offer quick repairs – sometimes in the same day, sometimes, even while you wait. Also, we will typically charge less.

We believe that the best cell phone repair near you is right around the corner.

Choose 88 Repairs for Your Cell Phone Repair

We don’t just do cell phone repair – we focus on customer service. In fact, we make it a priority. We strongly value you and believe you should be treated with respect and courtesy.

That’s why you should pay us a visit for iPhone repairs or Android repairs. We understand how important your cell phone is to you, and when you drop it off at our shop, know that it’s in good hands.

Need Help With a Different Device?

Give Us A Call, We’re Happy to Help